Who are these people handling parenting well?! I’ve never met a single person who was like, “Yup! Totally got this!” We’re all just figuring it out as we go along. And if someone says otherwise they’re full of shit. Or they’re sucky parents. FULL STOP
Oh, Erin. My daughters are 22 and 20 and I still mourn for the life I would have had if I hadn't become their mother, and also love them with a ferocity that scares me sometimes. That's not something to feel guilty about. That's life. As a friend used to tell me before we jumped into a Maine lake for the first time in the spring, "Courage!"
I feel your fear, unhappiness, confusion and anxiety. That is what a good writer does-puts the reader in their shoes. Looks like you’ve still got it! And in spades. ❤️♠️
Yes yes. All of this. My kids are 35, 33, and 25. Things got better for me and I hope they will for you, also. Just keep swimming. Tread water when you need to.
Holy goodness it's like every week you arrive in my inbox with words articulating exactly what I'm going through as a writer with a day job who is also raising a one-year-old. I'm still mourning the death of the person I used to be and grappling with this new person who can't remember anything important and gets sentimental when my child outgrows clothing. My brain is fried, we're all sick all the time, every day is like an ultramarathon (speaking of which, I miss running!)... and yet, I love him so much and don't regret having him. I knew parenting would be hard, which is why I put it off for so long... but it seems insane to me that people all over the world do this ALL THE TIME. It's like discovering that everyone you know has secretly been a concert pianist or an olympic gymnast. Anyway, thanks for your newsletter. It helps me stay sane.
Your writing is so important for giving voice to what so many women feel and experience as mothers but don’t say or see represented in other places. Thank you for your honesty in writing this!
Who are these people handling parenting well?! I’ve never met a single person who was like, “Yup! Totally got this!” We’re all just figuring it out as we go along. And if someone says otherwise they’re full of shit. Or they’re sucky parents. FULL STOP
Oh, Erin. My daughters are 22 and 20 and I still mourn for the life I would have had if I hadn't become their mother, and also love them with a ferocity that scares me sometimes. That's not something to feel guilty about. That's life. As a friend used to tell me before we jumped into a Maine lake for the first time in the spring, "Courage!"
No one who comes up with the Shame Condo should feel this way.
“Passing a kidney stone through my brain” 😂
I feel your fear, unhappiness, confusion and anxiety. That is what a good writer does-puts the reader in their shoes. Looks like you’ve still got it! And in spades. ❤️♠️
Yes yes. All of this. My kids are 35, 33, and 25. Things got better for me and I hope they will for you, also. Just keep swimming. Tread water when you need to.
Wow, this one really hit close to home 👀
Holy goodness it's like every week you arrive in my inbox with words articulating exactly what I'm going through as a writer with a day job who is also raising a one-year-old. I'm still mourning the death of the person I used to be and grappling with this new person who can't remember anything important and gets sentimental when my child outgrows clothing. My brain is fried, we're all sick all the time, every day is like an ultramarathon (speaking of which, I miss running!)... and yet, I love him so much and don't regret having him. I knew parenting would be hard, which is why I put it off for so long... but it seems insane to me that people all over the world do this ALL THE TIME. It's like discovering that everyone you know has secretly been a concert pianist or an olympic gymnast. Anyway, thanks for your newsletter. It helps me stay sane.
Your writing is so important for giving voice to what so many women feel and experience as mothers but don’t say or see represented in other places. Thank you for your honesty in writing this!